Thursday, January 28, 2010

American Idol, nutrition facts on cum and my incessant need for taco bell

What in fucking hell!?!?!?! I appear to have lost my self control...or never had of those two...because i went to taco bell and ate my face off lastnight.......i mean it's the next day so whatever i can't do anything about it but really can we please restrain me?

So i'm watching American Idol lastnight which is so hilarious because i swear these people have no real friends....if they did then their friends would tell them that they suck and should not go on live TV!!! Ok so i'm watching and i get a text from's the convo

C: I'm looking up the nutrition facts of cum
Me: (before i go to website) I'm pretty sure there aren't any calories in cum
Me: Uh....apparently there are

This conversation should be on textfromlastnight in all seriousness! So of course i have to share this with A....her response...."why am i friends with you" as if she's never thought of it before!!


  1. I was rudely interrupted and could not finish this blog...whatever, point is don't drink cum ladies it has calories ha!or measure it out so you know how many calories you are consuming..

  2. ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhaha this message is weight watchers approved.

  3. ahahahaahah i bet it's not! seriously do not get me sued damn it!

  4. 16 calories per tablespoon- just like refined sugar.

  5. Lol Robert you should not have googled that...either way there will be no calories!
