Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Well fuck me...

So here is what I’ve decided…….if one more person I know has a baby or gets married I’m going to fucking scream….i swear to God!

So I’m talking to Georgia (the ex, not his real name obviously ha) and he says he hasn’t proposed to his gf because he doesn’t have the money….if he gets married before me I’ll off myself….mark my words, wrists slit! Ok maybe I’m exaggerating a tiny bit cause I’d like never kill myself but HOLY FUCKING HELL ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?

I wish Mr. Big (yes I just called him that because well….he reminds me of Mr. Big except that I don’t get a diamond ring in the end and a wedding at city hall… he’s like Mr. Big in the first couple of seasons) would get his crap together or that I would stop feeling anything for him…..except that that’s like a friggin IMPOSSIBILITY! It’s funny cause my feelings for Georgia went away, I mean I love him like I love my brothers or whatever but that seemed way easier for some reason. Like my feelings were just done…yes there was a brief period where I wanted him back and thought I made a mistake but then I met Mr. Big and everything else seemed to go away. AH stupid men. I know that maybe moving isn’t/is my best idea but I need something else man….i am weak and cannot resist the man….as in Mr. Big not the friggin government….although I can’t resist them either but yeah anyway.

I’m exhausted guys…..just plain spent

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