Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 2 of "cute" week....fuck you

Ok so today is day 2 and well....this is what you get

yes it's sad i know but i can explain...so i'm in school right? and i get home at 10pm and then i have to be up at 4:30 so i woke up at 5:03 and was bustin my ass to get to work on time so i didn't get to put conditioner in my hair, blow dry my hair or in general do anything awesome with it. Got to work and waited for it to dry....then i flat ironed it....THANK GOD FOR FLAT IRONS....and the outfit....well it's comfy and looks acceptable....except i'm chubbeh!

And i have eye makeup on so i'm semi presentable....ok i failed a little today....

*sigh* guess i can't have it all now can i?

fucking son of a........


  1. Gotta say ... there's something about you I like! Maybe it's your "I don't give a damn nature" but whatever it is, it's working for you!

  2. Lol thanks! I try to not care about the little things but I AM a girl so it's a little hard lol
