Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 1 of "cute" week....

Ok bitches, i actually put on a semi decent outfit, got my hair blow dried then straightened (it still looks a tiny bit funny but fuck it) and.......AND i have makeup on....oh lord watch out for me!

ok so there's me...still chubby but hey i look almost put together! Oh and i lost like 3lbs...i mean ok! this day is getting better! What does suck though is i have to go to school tonight and i haven't doen any homework....i mean like so today after work i have to go home and read some BS about mouth diseases and junkity junk...i know you're jealous of my fabulous reading.

Ok so this wasn't the most entertaining blog ever but hey, i blogged, you read, you still love me and i'm adorable....well....some of that shit at least

1 comment:

  1. hi! like your cardigan, makes the whole black ensemble pop out. :)
