Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm dying....slowly, crippingly,horribly....deathly?...

Oh shut up it sounds good in my head! Well not good but they all seem like the best words to describe this crap....except maybe deathly.....shit

So 28 is looming around the corner like a hooker on a side street begging to love me long time.....know what? 28 WILL NOT LOVE ME LONG TIME! I'm slowly closing in on 30 and still have yet to be an "adult" or what i assume a fucking adult is like.....what the hell am i to do?! OK so first i breathe.....then there should be a crazy amount of drinking....except that I'm at work and cannot drink because I'm "responsible" whatever the fuck that means....i can barely take care of myself let alone Spartacus...oh that's the spawn of Satan, otherwise known as my cat>>>>>
she looks all cute and innocent but i warn you, do not get sucked in.

So I'm having the pre-midlife crisis crisis and it's really not as much fun as i thought....there's no new sports car and there is definitely NOT a hot hunk of man waiting at home for mama! oh that gross let's not use mama as a way to reference one's self unless one is actually a mother and even still just no....

oh and well.......I'm so ready to be done with school so i can stop working in the corporate world where I'm sure Satan the lesson we've learned today ladies and gentleman?............absolutely nothing right? you've just listened to me freak the fuck out and have no real agenda to this blog

I thank you for letting me suck 3 minutes from your life...i plan on doing it again soon :-)


  1. Just be in a better place than me professionally by your THIRTY-FIFTH birthday and you'll be just fine. ;-)

    Love you!!!

  2. lol! It's a toss up though cause you have the whole married and kids thing that i want but i'll have my degree down sooner than you's like a whole wheel of bending you over and stickin it to you......not like me to you but like life to you...ok i'm gonna stop now
