Monday, January 9, 2012

I wipe up spit with my hands now......

Well it's been a lil while since i've wrote a blog post. What i've learned in the last 3 months is that no amount of shit or vomit will make me not love this guy. I always knew i wanted kids but it was one of those things i'd say but never really undestand the meaning. i'm not sure if that makes sense to you. This little man has completed my life....i know it sounds lame but i feel like i had something missing and now that he's here i know what it is. Yes i get frustrated because he's little and can't talk and cries and I DON'T KNOW WHAT HE WANTS!!!! but in the long run of things....look at that face....i make a good lookin kid! I mean Mr. Big helped but really i'm the looks lol ok i'm mostly fucking with you.

So i know that having a kid i should watch my mouth and all but i'm not sure if you noticed but i'm a curser....i'm afraid i will need to tone it down because i'd like his first words not to be fuck or shit.....oh lord help us all when he starts talking. Poor bd (baby dad) is going to have his hands full with the kid and i talking too much lol.

Ok so this was brief but i have Mr. Fussypants next to me, kicking me in the leg.....i am going to actually try to keep this updated and not have lame "all about my kid posts" but really i cannot promise anything and you bitches will read about my child and love every fucking word....the end lol

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