Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Well shit i'm fat.....

Well this will come as no shock to those who know me but i.....i am fat....i mean i'm not so fat i can't do normal everyday things like tie my shoes or fit in my car but i'm a chunky monkey!! So i've decided to use this here blog for my weight loss as well. I figure if i'm completely honest (dear lord help us all) with myself and all of you then maybe, just maybe it will help get my ass motiviated. Sounds good right??

Ok so here current weight is.................oh god..............please don't judge.............shit..........203lbs............yes i'm officially OBESE......i weigh more than an average man and that my dear friends is sad and makes me a tiny bit hateful to this poor little body of mine BUT there is no one to blame except myself.

So starting tomorrow i'm going to go back on the WW points and exercise at least 3 times a week.....i'm completely able, have no disability (fuck you laziness does count! i mean um...), HAVE A TREADMILL IN MY DAMN HOUSE!!

Most of all i'm tired of saying ok i'm gonna start on monday, ok i screwed up but i'll try again monday, ok no for realsies i'm gonna start monday......well tomorrow is THURSDAY and i'm gonna start. What pisses me off most is i tell R that i'm gonna start and he says "sure you are" dude fuck you asshole you are skinny and no one likes you! ok a tad bit dramatic but he is skinny and no one i know likes him so yeah! or i tell him i'm gonna and i don't care if he believes me and he says "sara you've been saying you were gonna work out all week" damn him for remembering everytime i say i'm going to work out!

SO now you heffers ( i mean that with all the love in the world) are going to not only hear about my ridiculous life but now you have to listen to me piss and moan because i can't eat everything with cheese and ranch dressing or i'm tired and don't want to work out.....yep sucks to be you guys.

but seriously i have these shorts that i bought and i really really REALLY want to wear them this summer and although they technically fit........seriously like 10-15lbs less of me would look WAY better in them!!

Ok so here's the plan...tomorrow i eat only my points and i work pissing and moaning............well what i really mean is no matter the amount of pissing and moaning i may.....sorry...... I WILL do, i have to do this.....come on 160!!!!


  1. If I weighed what you weigh right now....I'd be jumping through hoops and crapping rainbows!!!!

  2. lol yeah but you're a man you should weigh what i weigh.......I SHOULD NOT WEIGH THE SAME AS A GROWN MAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    but now i'm down to 201 so yay me lol
