Thursday, January 6, 2011


So it is officially the 6th day of 2011 and I pretty much hate everyone……..probably not the best way to start a new year right?......fuck it!

So Mr.Iloveyoubutcantcommitbutwilltalkaboutbabiesandmovinginwithyouandallcommitmentythings have called it quits….yes you’ve heard this before, yes I’ve said this before, yes you’re tired of hearing it, yes you can fuck off now….just sayin

But I want one of these….yes a friggin baby…and marriage….look at my niece in her little princess dress I bought her for Christmas….this right here is what my little heart lives for….and really I’d have the most BEAUTIFUL BABIES EVER…oh sorry

So I’ve decided that I can’t stay around with a man who shows me how great things could be between us and then slaps my hand away when I reach for it. After 5 years I think it’s time for this little lady to move on….yes I sound like john wayne right there with the “little lady” thing but screw it, it’s my blog right?

So what now? OMGIDONTKNOWI’MSLIGHTLYPANICKING….it’s hard to move forward after being with someone for that long…although it has always been a struggle (our relationship that is) so I should be use to this by now but alas I am not….so my first step is to stop being a friggin baby and get my shit together….step one: write in blog that I have so sadly abandoned for like……forever…..and get my school shit together and work out and clean my house and……….well apparently what I’m doing is living for me! I’ve decided that I am great and a man who says he loves me and truly does, will want to have babies and marriage and puppies and endless nights of wild sex on the living room floor! Or some of that shit….oh god please let it be the sex part!

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